It’s not clear why these clam gardens are dying, but the Cyrus Rocks open net-cage fish farm only 1.5 km from the mouth of the bay is a prime suspect. This is the same type of impact being witnessed on beaches near fish farms in the Broughton Archipelago. While we await the results of a study being conducted there, perhaps we should be looking more closely at the beaches near the farms in this area as well.
June 24, 2010
The Dying Clam Gardens of Waiatt Bay
It’s not clear why these clam gardens are dying, but the Cyrus Rocks open net-cage fish farm only 1.5 km from the mouth of the bay is a prime suspect. This is the same type of impact being witnessed on beaches near fish farms in the Broughton Archipelago. While we await the results of a study being conducted there, perhaps we should be looking more closely at the beaches near the farms in this area as well.

June 23, 2010
Hands Across the Sands
Thanks to EJ Hurst from New Society Publishers ( for getting this information together.
On June 26th, people around the world are going to the beach. They are not going just to soak up the sun, rub their toes through the sand, listen to the calming wash of waves on the shore. They are going to hold hands, and not just with their sweetie for a romantic stroll along the waves.
Hands Across the Sand is an international movement to oppose offshore oil drilling and champion clean energy and renewables. It is made of people of all walks of life and crosses political affiliations.
Hands Across the Sand are calling on people around the world to stage a simple and peaceful action.
* Go to your beach on June 26 at 11 AM in your time zone.
* Form lines in the sand and at 12:00, join hands.
The image is powerful, the message is simple. NO to Offshore Oil Drilling, YES to Clean Energy.
Hands Across the Sand started February 13, 2010 in Florida, two months
before the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Thousands of Floridians representing 60 towns and cities and over 90 beaches joined hands to protest the efforts by the Florida Legislature and the US Congress to lift the ban on oil drilling in the near and off shores of Florida. Florida’s Hands Across The Sand event was the largest gathering in the history of Florida united against oil drilling. Thousands joined hands from Jacksonville to Miami Beach and Key West to Pensacola Beach, each against oil drilling in Florida’s waters.
There are 2 "Hands Across the Sands" Events planned so far for Vancouver. Both are for this Saturday June 26 at 11.00 am
English Bay: Meet at 1795 Beach Ave., just south of Denman.
Organizer: Fiona Bowie
Kits Beach: "From Burrard Bridge, through Jericho Beach all the way to the endowment lands!!! As far as the low or high tide allows"
Organizer: Jenny McDonnell
Here is a video from Surf Rider Foundation who were part of the February 13th event.
To register or find an event near you go to Hands Across the